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Join us this Sunday morning at 9:30am for Bible class and stay for our 10:30am worship service. We also meet Wednesdays at 7pm.

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1495 East Empire Avenue Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022

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Church Blog

Bible and praying concept.

What Everyone Should Know About the Bible

Everyone needs to know this about the Bible–it came from God. How do I know? Because this book is a product that mere man could not have produced. One of the most powerful arguments to prove that the Bible came from God is the argument from fulfilled prophecy. People were called by name long before they were born. The fate of cities and nations is predicted ahead of time and each prophecy came to pass just as it was written.…
Dramatic sunrise sky over the Quiraing

They’re Not Trying Very Hard

Sometimes people say that all churches are just trying to get to the same place — heaven. Well, many are not trying very hard. Since Jesus said that we must obey the Father’s will in order to go to heaven (Matthew 7:21), THOSE WHO ARE NOT OBEYING AND FOLLOWING GOD’S WORD ARE NOT TRYING VERY HARD TO GO TO HEAVEN. But don’t all churches follow the Bible? Do they? Does your church have a confession of faith, manual or written…
Woman with bible

The Bible Only Makes Christians Only

The Bible + the catechism make a Catholic. The Bible + the discipline make a Methodist. The Bible + the prayer book make an Episcopalian. The Bible + the Westminster Confession of Faith make a Presbyterian The Bible + the Philadelphia Confession of Faith (or the church manual) make a Baptist. The Bible + the writings of Ellen G. White make a 7th Day Adventist. The Bible + the Book of Mormon (and other books) make a Latter Day Saint.…